1. Are you accredited course providers?

Yes. We are accredited course providers with the CPD Group UK and are certified to provide courses. Our approved provider number is #781755

  1. Can I trust the information provided on the website?

We ensure that the information we provide is vetted by experts in the field and all courses are scrutinised for quality control by our accreditation body, The CPD Group.

  1. Are there some free courses provided?

We do offer selected free courses on our website for which once completed, you can obtain a certificate.

  1. How do I get a certificate for the course?

You can only get a certificate when you have completed all the modules for the course and after you have passed the quiz and completed the evaluation form.

  1. How many times can I take the quiz?

You are allowed to take the quiz two times. If you need to retake the quiz again contact the course administrator on admin@baloseghaedu.com

  1. Can I share course content with other individuals?

You are not permitted to share course material from the site with other parties as this constitutes unauthorised use of the website which is subject to prosecution. This includes sharing usernames and passwords with other individuals.

  1. Do the courses have specific start and end dates or are they self paced?

Our courses have been configured such that you can complete them at your own convenience. So you can do them at your own time. However, you will not receive a certificate till you have completed all aspects of the course.

  1. Can I access the course from any device?

Yes, you can access the course from both either a mobile device or a computer.

  1. How often are course materials updated?

We review all course material on the site on a yearly basis to ensure they ae in line with the latest guidelines.

  1. If I have any issues when navigating the site or on enrolment on a course, who do I contact for support?

You can contact us for any support queries via email at admin@baloseghaedu.com